


Furnishing various private security services such as



–  provide  protection  for  diplomatic personals, embassies, airports, company headquarters, Universities, camps and projectsites. The ability of our officers to deal with local people and solve all problems for our clients before it becomes an issue


– Provide the technical support, logistic support and the security advice tocompanies which they require.


-Design, plan and apply the required security plans to protect client sites, convoys VIP personel, movable and fixed property and journey management

-Provide International standard of security     protection     for     National

& International companies Senior Executives, VIP›s whilst visiting their companies projects in


-Provide security protection to the financial banking companies according to International Banking Standard. Utilizing a specialist skilled teams in the areas of; security monitoring, control and Information systems and computer engineering. Engineer, Procure & Install of   the   monitoring   devices   system

  • (CCTV),  x-ray   devices   and   wireless communication, etc.                                                                                     •