


Journey management is a critical process by which to ensure safe travel is provided to our clients under the care of FSS’s PSD teams in Iraq. FSS implements a safe, well documented and applicable Journey Management Plan as part of our overarching Security Plan.


The FSS Journey Management Plan incorporates, but is not limited to:

  • Intelligence and risk assessment.
  • Arrivals brief and induction.
  • Client Ballistic Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Mission planning





The  PSD  Team  Leaders  use  intelligence  reports  along  with our local intelligence feeds, provided through commercial intelligence summaries to inform clients of the security situation and the daily risk level.These reports are also incorporated into our Journey Management Process for planning the mission to ensure the safest possible outcome for our clients during their travels.

MISSION PLANING                                    

The PSD Team Leaders follow an established mission planning process to ensure all movements are planned in detail and are fully compliant with Iraq’s governing law for private security companies. Mission planning occurs at least 24 hours before any movement occurs.


The PSD Team Leader and the FSS security staff in Basra conduct operational planning to ensure every eventuality has been considered and the safest route has been identified. Alternative routes and safe havens are discussed at length to ensure the PSD teams are provided with additional options that may be necessary should the primary plan change. As part of the Mission Planning process, the PSD Team Leader discusses FSS’s incident handling procedure with the PSD team members.This includes the PSDTeam Leader conducting a physical rehearsal with the entire PSD team covering a variety of scenarios that may occur during any given PSD mission. Prior to any mission being conducted and while on task, the PSD Team Leader will be in liaison with the Watch Keeper located in our dedicated Operations Rooms, carrying out at a minimum the following:


  • Route and location reconnaissance.
  • Ascertain the validity of routes.
  • Gather the necessary intelligence reports to enable the expat PSD Team Leader

to conduct his own threat assessment.

  • Ensure all documentation is current and available to pass through check points


  • Submit a “Journey Management Form” to the Watch keeper detailing, personnel,

vehicles, venue location, routes to be taken, contact numbers.


The PSD Team Leader must conduct a team brief detailing the above points to his PSD team and covering Area of Responsibility (AOR), Breakdowns, Vehicle checkpoints, Ministry of Interior (MoI), Police and PSD protocol(s) prior to departure

MISSION PLANING                                      ARRAIVAL BREIF & INDUCTION


The PSD Team Leaders follow an established mission planning process to ensure all movements are planned in detail and are fully compliant with Iraq’s governing law for private security companies. Mission planning occurs at least 24 hours before any movement occurs.

The PSD Team Leader and the FSS security staff in Basra conduct operational planning to ensure every eventuality has been considered and the safest route has been identified. Alternative routes and safe havens are discussed at length to ensure the PSD teams are provided with additional options that may be necessary should the primary plan change. As part of the Mission Planning process, the PSD Team Leader discusses FSS’s incident handling procedure with the PSD team members.This includes the PSDTeam Leader conducting a physical rehearsal with the entire PSD team covering a variety of scenarios that may occur during any given PSD mission. Prior to any mission being conducted and while on task, the PSD Team Leader will be in liaison with the Watch Keeper located in our dedicated Operations Rooms, carrying out at a minimum the following:

  • Route and location reconnaissance.
  • Ascertain the validity of routes.
  • Gather the necessary intelligence reports to enable the expat PSD Team Leader

to conduct his own threat assessment.

  • Ensure all documentation is current and available to pass through check points


  • Submit a “Journey Management Form” to the Watch keeper detailing, personnel,

vehicles, venue location, routes to be taken, contact numbers.


The PSD Team Leader must conduct a team brief detailing the above points to his PSD team and covering Area of Responsibility (AOR), Breakdowns, Vehicle checkpoints, Ministry of Interior (MoI), Police and PSD protocol(s) prior to departure



The PSD Team Leaders follow an established mission planning process to ensure all movements are planned in detail and are fully compliant with Iraq’s governing law for private security companies. Mission planning occurs at least 24 hours before any movement occurs.

The PSD Team Leader and the FSS security staff in Basra conduct operational planning to ensure every eventuality has been considered and the safest route has been identified. Alternative routes and safe havens are discussed at length to ensure the PSD teams are provided with additional options that may be necessary should the primary plan change. As part of the Mission Planning process, the PSD Team Leader discusses FSS’s incident handling procedure with the PSD team members.This includes the PSDTeam Leader conducting a physical rehearsal with the entire PSD team covering a variety of scenarios that may occur during any given PSD mission. Prior to any mission being conducted and while on task, the PSD Team Leader will be in liaison with the Watch Keeper located in our dedicated Operations Rooms, carrying out at a minimum the following:



  • Route and location reconnaissance.
  • Ascertain the validity of routes.
  • Gather the necessary intelligence reports to enable the expat PSD Team Leader

to conduct his own threat assessment.

  • Ensure all documentation is current and available to pass through check points


  • Submit a “Journey Management Form” to the Watch keeper detailing, personnel,

vehicles, venue location, routes to be taken, contact numbers.



The PSD Team Leader must conduct a team brief detailing the above points to his PSD team and covering Area of Responsibility (AOR), Breakdowns, Vehicle checkpoints, Ministry of Interior (MoI), Police and PSD protocol(s) prior to departure.


When a client arrives in Iraq or is met by the PSD team at their place of residence, the PSD Team Leader initially greets them. Clients are provided with sufficient information including contact numbers and a photo of the PSD Team Leader in advance so that they may recognise the PSD Team Leader when he first greets them. All FSS personnel, including the PSD


Team Leader wear a distinctive FSS uniform so as not to leave the client in any doubt over the identity of our team. Clients being received at the airport, will first be welcomed by our meet and greet team at the dedicated arrival hall reception and then transported on to; and introduced to the PSD Team Leader, who will be waiting at the Dust Bowl.


Following the PSD Team Leader’s introduction and prior to the client entering a

FSS PSD vehicle, the PSD Team Leader provides a security introduction of

the PSD team covering the following areas:

  • Introduction to the PSD Team members
  • Route information
  • Details of actionson, covering all scenarios
  • Emergency evacuation procedures
  • Location/Venue arrival procedure
  • Hazard awareness
  • Cultural awareness
  • Emergency contact numbers
  • Security Situation