



After completing the introduction, the PSD Team Leader will present the client with Body Armour. He will put it on each client and he will check to ensure the vest has been put on correctly and the client is comfortable. Once the client has put on their BPE and their seatbelt has been securely fastened, the PSD Team Leader with give the signal to his team to start the PSD mission.

FSS will provide the following BPE items:

  • NIJ Level IIIA body armor with NIJ level IV plates
  • Helmets will be made available if the risk is assessed to a level where the PSD

Team Leader feels it is necessary for clients to put on a protective helmet.


In total, there are three B6 armored vehicles as a minimum PSD team configuration

for movement within City limits in Iraq. The below PSD Team configuration is

suitable for supporting movement of up to 2 clients.

Additional B6 vehicles and PSD Team members are added to each PSD team when the client numbers increase or if the client Scope of Work determines more than three vehicle moves.


As all movements are based on our threat assessments and on the principles of reducing the threat level to as low as reasonably practical. FSS may need to alter the PSD configuration for travel outside City limits, in which case additional B6 armored vehicles or Coasters will be used. Clients will always be informed of the PSD movement plan and configuration prior to any arrangements being
